Ariel Weinstein

A seasoned medical industry professional with over 25 years of experience, including 15 years in corporate leadership, possesses expertise in launching complex drug-device products. He holds an MSc in Management from NYU and a BSc in Emergency Medicine from Ben Gurion University.

Dr. Richard Vogel

President of the ASNM, experienced healthcare executive, a world-renowned expert in IONM and an influential thought leader. He holds PhDs in both neuroscience and psychology.

Nir Zarchi

Seasoned entrepreneur with extensive experience in business & product development. Holds an MA in Systems Management and BSc in Industrial Management.

Dr. Omer Zarchi

Head of the Intraoperative Neurophysiology Service at Rabin Medical Center and Schneider Children’s Medical Center. Holds a PhD. and MSc. in Neuroscience.

Dr. Einat Kermany

Expert in research and development of AI systems and deep learning algorithms.
Holds a PhD. in Neuroscience and BSc in Computer Sciences.

Prof. Eyal Itshayek

Director of the Spine Surgery Unit at Rabin Medical Center. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Tel Aviv University. Published over 100 articles.

Dr. Susan Alpert

Clinician with a PhD in medical microbiology and 13 years at FDA  with time at CDER, CDRH and CFSAN including 6 years leading the Office of Device Evaluation at CDRH.


Prof. Jay Shils

Professor of Anesthesia
Rush University Medical Center.

Prof. Isador Lieberman

Senior Orthopedic & Spinal Surgeon President, Texas Back Institute.

Ms. Kristin Myers

Chief Information Officer, Digital & Technology Partners at Mount Sinai.

Dr. Amir Kershenovich

Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery
Schneider Children’s Medical Center.

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