A seasoned medical industry professional with over 25 years of experience, including 15 years in corporate leadership, possesses expertise in launching complex drug-device products. He holds an MSc in Management from NYU and a BSc in Emergency Medicine from Ben Gurion University.
President of the ASNM, experienced healthcare executive, a world-renowned expert in IONM and an influential thought leader. He holds PhDs in both neuroscience and psychology.
Seasoned entrepreneur with extensive experience in business & product development. Holds an MA in Systems Management and BSc in Industrial Management.
Head of the Intraoperative Neurophysiology Service at Rabin Medical Center and Schneider Children’s Medical Center. Holds a PhD. and MSc. in Neuroscience.
Expert in research and development of AI systems and deep learning algorithms.
Holds a PhD. in Neuroscience and BSc in Computer Sciences.
Director of the Spine Surgery Unit at Rabin Medical Center. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Tel Aviv University. Published over 100 articles.
Clinician with a PhD in medical microbiology and 13 years at FDA with time at CDER, CDRH and CFSAN including 6 years leading the Office of Device Evaluation at CDRH.
Professor of Anesthesia
Rush University Medical Center.
Senior Orthopedic & Spinal Surgeon President, Texas Back Institute.
Chief Information Officer, Digital & Technology Partners at Mount Sinai.
Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery
Schneider Children’s Medical Center.